Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Bias as Spontaneous Order II

This is interesting. I'm sure Gary Becker would love the economic translation of human actions. But the science of bias in news coverage has certainly become more clear during the past years. (I've written on the subject - see my earlier post on media bias as spontaneous order.)
Now, Virginia Postrel writes in a column in NY Times, bias may be viewed as a simple case of signalling trust in a coordination game. It can quite simply be considered a selling point!

The two year old paper which Postrel is referring to is this brilliant little piece that I've been using in my research for quite some time. (Abstract and downloadable copy can be found here.)
Sendhil Mullainathan and Andrei Shleifer at the Harvard Department of Economics have produced a great way for analyzing the bias potential and market differentiation techniques by media outlets.

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