Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Sven Rydenfelt is dead

Sven Rydenfelt died today. Sven was a true Hayekian free-market economist, and a member of the Mont Pellerin Society, who kept up the fight for open borders and stood against government interventions, even in a country like Sweden, where such principles are almost never heard of.

One of his most famous books is A Pattern for Failure (In Swedish: Bönder, Mat, Socialism - thanks Erik L for the correction) which was published in the U.S. witha foreword by Milton Freidman.

I met with him as late as two years ago, when I interviewed him for Svensk Linje. Back then he was still driving his car, and he still enjoyed his life in his apartment, on the fourth floor, without an elevator.

Sven Rydenfelt died at an age of 94 years.

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