Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Kerry's Yale Record

Remember that Democratic candidate who was said to be so smart? An over-achiever at Yale? But who refused to disclose his grades?

Well, yesterday they arrived. Funny thing. It seems like he was as much of an under-achiever as that taunted guy from the same college, from which Kerry tried to get an office. Full story here.

Kerry's cumulative average (on a scale of 100) for his four college years was 76, saved by some "high" B grades in pol sci (89) and various lighter scientific areas. His freshman year earned him a grade point average of 71!

I got an average of 87 in my freshman college year at Bishop's in courses that were by far more demanding than the tender teachings Kerry slept through. (And yes, I improved my grades after that.) Not that I would ever blow my own horn... erhm... like, say, a certain somebody did during his entire campaign.
Btw, isn't there an old Shakespeare play on the theme of Kerry's record? Much ado about nothing?

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